Monday, September 8, 2008

The Most Terrifying Thing for Me

What I am concerned about the most is the global warming, because it seems, for me, an endless spiral.

When I think back how much I used air conditioner last month, I feel that I had done something horrible to the global environment. However, as it is too hot to live without air conditioner, I could not stop using it. Overuse of air conditioner is one of the cuases of the global warming. Thus, global warming and the frequency of using air conditioner are mutually propotional; if the temperature of the earth goes up, people want to use air conditioner more frequently. When that happens, the temperature of the earth goes up again. It is endless. Further, the global warming melts glaciers in the North and South Pole causing sea-level rise. As the sea-level rises over years, some islands and coast areas will sink under the ocean. My home country, Japan, is island. A tiny part of Japan is now in danger, and the government is desperate to save the small island, because it is the south most par of Japan and expands the fishing zone of the country. Although now it is just a tiny part of Japan, once sea-level starts rising quickly, I am sure my home country will be the one of the earliest sank countries in the world. If the land areas starts sinking, many creatures (not only human being) will be living in some concentrated areas of the world. That will cause food, resource, and land shortage. So, for me, the most terrifying environmental issue is the global warming, and it can be the most pressing challenge facing the global environment.

Akari Mizuta

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