Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nature around us.

Among the most exciting moments I have had was backpacking through the redwood groves of Northern California. Far away from the noises and distractions of the modern world, these ancient forests bring total tranquility. These are far from normal trees you would find in other forests. These trees are among the largest and oldest trees left in the world, with some of the having been around for over 500 years. For a living organism to have been around before the discovery of America is just mid boggling. The trees create such an atmosphere that you cant help but constantly keeping your eyes open and observing all the element around you from the deer to the small rodents. This trip really opened my eyes to the symbiosis that these animals and plants have with each other.

There is no doubt in my mind taht we should do more to save nature. Unfortunately most of us live in cities or suburbs which take us away from nature so it becomes hard many times for us to relate to the needs of the non human world. If more people had the chance to go out and explore the environment and see the dynamics of it, there would be a much stronger push for conservation.

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