Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mitzpe Ramon

I love traveling because whenever you travel you get to experience an entirely new environment. Not only do people change and their culture but you get to investigate a new ecosystem. Whenever I visit somewhere new I'm always amazed at how different the Earth looks from there. The last place I traveled too was Israel, last spring for study abroad. Israel completely took my breathe away because it has so many different landscapes in one tiny country.

The place that absolutely took my breathe away, was when I saw the Negev for the first time at Mitzpe Ramon. At Mitzpe Ramon there is a giant creator that just drops off into the Negev. It was amazing, I couldn't take my eyes away. As our tour guide says, when you come here you can understand how Christianity, Judiasm and Islam were created here in the desert because you can't help but be contemplative and think. I remember he had us lay down right next to the clif and just take deep breathes and think and I never felt more at peace.

I love to hike and explore the non-human world and I think it is crucial that we save it. I don't even want to imagine a world with only human and pests (species that threive with humans). That would be a bland world. We would loose all the inspiration we get from the non-human world and nature. If we loose bio-diversity we'll only eat a couple of plants, see a couple of flowers and animals, it would be so boring. So I say we come together and fix our planet so that we can all live happily together...the end!

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