Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Green-Collar Jobs to the Rescue!!!

I really like the idea of green collar jobs. Honestly it's the only thing that makes sense for dealing with our present economy, with people loosing their jobs and the environment. I don't understand how anyone could think this would be a bad idea. As Van Jones article points out, "a recent study released by the Political Economy Research Institute and Center for American Progress shows that the U.S. can create two million jobs over the next two years by investing $100 billion in a green economic recovery plan." That's one seventh of the cost of the original bail out plan! I don't understand why this wasn't done in the first place.

These new green collar jobs would provide the working class with secure jobs that are local and can not be outsourced like most of our old blue collar jobs. A bailout that doesn't address the job shortage here in the United States would not solve the economic problems even if the economy stabilizes. This green plan would help solve both. Also I like the idea of creating a Green Corps since its provides people with an opportunity to participate in community service and it teaches people how to perform green collar jobs, since new skills are going to have to be developed.

I believe this is the only way to address the environmental problems in the United States like Global Warming because it deals with saving the economy and providing jobs. No one has wanted to invest in the environment because it means reshaping how our economy runs and that could potentially mean some short term loss, something most people would not accept. But due to the current situation with our economy already in shambles I think presenting green collar jobs as a solution to our economic crisis, could get the process of reshaping our economy for a greener future underway.

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